@import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/basic.css); @import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/layout.css); @import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/sinorca.css);
< Layout Variables | Variables | Other Variables >
= 1;
will display the "Spaced Title". Default is to display the "Title" of the page. See the page PageVariables for {$Title}
and {$Titlespaced}
array('{$Group}.$1', '$1.$1', '$1.{$DefaultName}')
<a class='wikilink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>
<a class='createlinktext' href='\$PageUrl?action=edit'>\$LinkText</a> <a class='createlink' href='\$PageUrl?action=edit'>?</a>
, but used when the link text has a space in it.
<a class='selflink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>
<a class='categorylink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>
<a class='urllink' href='\$LinkUrl' title='\$LinkAlt' rel='nofollow'>\$LinkText</a>
, unless there is a specific $IMapLinkFmt
$IMapLinkFmt['http:'] = "<a class='httplink urllink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";
$IMapLinkFmt['https:'] = "<a class='httpslink urllink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";
$IMapLinkFmt['PmWiki:'] = "<a class='pmwikilink urllink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";
$IMapLinkFmt['obfuscate-mailto:'] = "<span class='_pmXmail' title=\"\$LinkAlt\"><span class='_t'>\$LinkText</span><span class='_m'>\$LinkUrl</span></span>";
logic expects the snippet to have some recognisable properties -- classes, elements, otherwise it may not work. Start with the default snippet, make small modifications, and test if it works.
, $IMapLinkFmt
or $LinkPageExistsFmt
. Currently can have 2 elements:$AddLinkCSS
['othergroup'] = "crossgroup";
# add "crossgroup" class to wikilinks to other wikigroups$AddLinkCSS
['samedomain'] = "currentsite";
# add "currentsite" class to URL or Path links to resources on the same domain.
is an array of regular expression replacements that is used to map the page link in a free link such as [[free link]]
into a page name. Currently the default sequence is: "/'/" => '', # strip single-quotes "/[^$PageNameChars]+/" => ' ', # convert to spaces characters not allowed in pagenames '/((^|[^-\\w])\\w)/' => 'cb_toupper', # capitalize 1st letter of words '/ /' => '' # remove spaces
, the documentation links may break. This can be fixed by re-setting $MakePageNamePatterns
to the default in local/PmWiki.php.
= 0; # disable WikiWord links$WikiWordCountMax
= 1; # convert only first WikiWord
unless a value is set in this array. By default PmWiki sets $WikiWordCount
to limit the number of conversions of "PmWiki".
['PhD']=0; # Don't convert "PhD"$WikiWordCount
['WikiWord']=5; # Convert WikiWord 5 times # the following lines keep a page from linking to itself $title = FmtPageName('$Title_',$pagename
parameter for the redirect directive. On publicly edited wikis it is advisable not to enable quiet redirects.
= 0; # disable quiet redirects (default)$EnableRedirectQuiet
= 1; # enable quiet redirects
into [[Group/Page]]
, and page (text) variables like {$Title}
into {Group.Page$Title}
so that they work the same way in the source page and in the including page.
Categories: PmWiki Developer
< Layout Variables | Variables | Other Variables >
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:LinkVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:LinkVariables-Talk.
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