@import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/basic.css); @import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/layout.css); @import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/sinorca.css);
A WikiPage is simply the basic building block of a WikiWikiWeb that contains text and images. See WikiStructures and WikiWikiWeb for more information.
Wiki pages can have an edit template to predefine initial content, see Cookbook:Edit Templates
Wiki pages are stored in individual flat files, see Page File Format and Flat File Advantages.
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:WikiPage, and a talk page: PmWiki:WikiPage-Talk.
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