@import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/basic.css); @import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/layout.css); @import url(https://r00t.cz/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/sinorca.css);
Paragraphs: for a new paragraph, use a blank line; |
Line break: \\, [[<<]], or (:nl:) |
-> to indent text, -< hanging text |
Join line: \ |
Lists: * for bulleted, # for numbered, :term:definition for definition lists | |
'''''bold italics'''''
@@ | |
References: [[another page]], [[http://example.com/]], [[another page | link text]], [[#anchor]], [[#anchor | link text]] | |
Groups: [[Group/Page]] displays Page, [[Group.Page]] displays Group.Page, [[Group(.Page)]] displays Group, [[Group/]] links Group homepage | |
Separators: !!, !!! for headings, ---- for horizontal line |
Prevent formatting: [=...=] |
{- |
Preformatted: [@...@] or >>pre<<...>><< |
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