2025-03-25 15:02:25



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List of satellite related pages

Page: Site.Sats - Last Modified : Mon, 08 Mar 21

Mars2020 (Perseverance)
Look at the data it is sending. Nice message from the team discovered in the idle packets!

Decoding and analysis of China's Mars mission

Mars Obiter Mission
Received signal from MOM probe orbiting Mars 262Mkm away

Received signal spectrums and decoding of transmitted data down to valid CCSDS frames!

Chinese Moon orbiter Chang'e 2
Chinese Moon orbiter, as received on 10m dish.

Decoding Meteor-M1 LRPT signal
Different modes of LRPT explained, sample decoded images and other information.

Omid - 1st Iranian satellite
Decoding of signal down to ASCII text message!

Rasad - 2nd Iranian satellite
Telemetry details

Navid - Another Iranian satellite
Signal and telemetry details

Cosmos-2499 and Cosmos-2491
Signal and telemetry details, payload data decoding

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